Tuesday, October 30, 2007

No mas France!

We're back. The return flight was complicated. We had a connecting flight that failed to account for the fact that we're no longer on the same schedule as Paris for the resetting the clocks an hour back. Subsequently, our flight landed quite a bit later than promised. Ah well, it all worked out in the end.

I'm going to have alot of favorite memories to look back on. Quotes that resonate due to the context or the intent behind the statement. But the one that I will probably always return to is:

"Umm... that's alot of blood."

Indeed. It was more blood than anyone expected in the small Paris hotel room.

I saw some French things while I was there, but I am very self obsessed, and nothing of the sights of France can really compare to a naturally sunlit loft studio full of really high in demand talented people working day in and day out on a project of your own conception.

Enough with my jibber jabber! Here is some more art!

This is Larry. He's a werewolf. If you read my last entry, you know that he is doomed.

This is Evey, the rotten little Witch. I think that she might be conducting a marching band in this image. Not sure on that one.


Again, the above images were provided by Eric Jones and Rikki Simons. They think they're so damn special.

More to come soon!

1 comment:

Lillian said...

Months and months later, I finally decided to return to this blog. Why? Boredom. And the fact that the zombies would have devoured my tiny brain if I didn't. (Actually, it's because...well, long story.)

And yes, it is I, "Lillian O". Only I'm under a different account. 'Cause I turned 13 in September, but I still act like a wimpy child.

So, I finally got the fifth and sixth issues. AND YOU LEFT US WITH A CLIFFHANGER. Dang you. Dang you all to heck.

And me and all my Gloomtastic buddies have been wondering about Larry's pentagram pendant. And...I think I may have figured it out.

I think it may have something to do with Evey...which I never expected. Please say it ain't so! (Please? I'll give you a cookie, made Grandma's style.)

And if you don't get back to me here within a week, I'm just gonna have to email you. And you won't be happy.