Saturday, October 20, 2007

Voice casting...

We leave for France in a couple of hours. We'll be there for over a week working on Little Gloomy for animation, and on Friday we're supposed to discuss voice casting for the various characters. In my head, they all sound like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Subsequently, we are open to suggestions. Except for Carl and Dracula. We know who should do them.

We've already gone straight to our primary source on topics like this. But we figured we should solicit multiple opinions. We'll probably ignore them all, and instead recommend Arnold. Still, any ideas would be appreciated.

Actually, I don't think anyone reads this blog, so I don't really expect a response. But I'm cross posting this time from the X-Ray Studios Livejournal. Those people like us. They'll respond. Not like you guys and your sullen glares and palpable disinterest. We know you're out there just waiting for us to turn our backs. Just waiting for the moment when we stumble. Then you will strike.

Our plan is to update regularly while we're in France. But we'll be in France and someone else is paying, so we'll see if we actually manage to do anything online at all.


Lillian O said...

I have no clue with this one.I'm only 12 (yeah,shouldn't be here but I'm mature for my age,pfft) and I live quite far from Cal. (if that's where all this shindig is taking place) I would LOVE to do a voiceover-it's always been my dream-but there's no way I'll be able to do it,as much as I want to. :( I know,I sound selfish.

Good luck in France. Have a good trip.

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